Wednesday 2 March 2011

Today was a very successful day in terms of my understanding of DIV tags , HTML and CSS. After last week’s Sem , I must admit I was struggling with the coding , as  thought i would be , but after talking with Giselle , explained to me that once you get your head about the different type of DIV tags (a total of 5) and the CSS it is really quite simple. Another reason why today was successful for me is because have finally come up with a design with incorporates both the “hand made “feel” with that 70’s retro vibe.
My design
The Home Page
About Page
Above are two examples of the background images I created for my online portfolio, as you can I have left out the text because i will be adding that at a later date  , also with link buttons also. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emile. Love the homepage, the arty approach is looking good. If your looking for some constructive criticism, then I'd suggest changing the 'about' page. As much as both pages work, together I think they're slightly too diverse from one another. If you incorporated the film strips at the top on bottom into the other pages, this may work well. I just feel that the audience will be looking all over the page for the navigation. Unless of course your homepage is actually acting as a welcome page.

    Hope this helps, check mine?


